User cases

Jouni Epper

Jouni Epper

Firstbrokers serves Finnish and Swiss companies

Event galleries

FINCham LUX& CCFS: Future proof Investment event


Nordic event: Nordic UN Ambassador Seminar



Team Finland -päivä 2024: ”Mission Possible”

Tämänvuotinen Team Finland-päivä pidettiin elokuussa Triplassa Helsingissä. Tapahtuman dynaaminen teema oli ”Mission Possible”, ja se tarjosi kutsutuille yrityksille arvokkaan foorumin hakea asiantuntijoiden neuvoja viennistä, kansainvälisestä kaupasta ja rahoituksesta. Kauppakamari [...]

We are so close to each other!

The closer the cultures are, the greater the mutual understanding. And similar values form a basis of trust and promote exchange. There is a lot to be said for [...]


Press releases

For almost half a century our Chamber has steadily grown because we promote and support the interest of our Members. Our network enabled to connect Finnish and Swiss professionals and helps them to optimise their business and create long-lasting friendships.

Felice G. Romano • Former president