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So far Alexander has created 12 blog entries.

Team Finland -päivä 2024: ”Mission Possible”

Tämänvuotinen Team Finland-päivä pidettiin elokuussa Triplassa Helsingissä. Tapahtuman dynaaminen teema oli ”Mission Possible”, ja se tarjosi kutsutuille yrityksille arvokkaan foorumin hakea asiantuntijoiden neuvoja viennistä, kansainvälisestä kaupasta ja rahoituksesta. Kauppakamari Suomi-Sveitsin toimitusjohtaja Anu-Maaria Calamnius-Puhakka osallistui tapahtumaan ja kirjoittaa vaikutelmistaan. Tämänvuotinen Team Finland -päivä houkutteli paikalle yli 700 yrityksien ja julkisen sektorin edustajaa. Osallistujilla oli mahdollisuus [...]

2024-10-08T14:31:22+02:00October 8th, 2024|english|Comments Off on Team Finland -päivä 2024: ”Mission Possible”

We are so close to each other!

The closer the cultures are, the greater the mutual understanding. And similar values form a basis of trust and promote exchange. There is a lot to be said for Finnish-Swiss relations! Because according to the World Values Survey, Switzerland and Finland are closest in the world in terms of values and culture. Perhaps we [...]

2021-12-09T10:02:57+01:00December 9th, 2021|english|0 Comments

Switzerland – just right for Finnish companies

The closer the cultures are, the greater the mutual understanding. And similar values form a basis of trust and promote exchange. There is a lot to be said for Finnish-Swiss relations! Because according to the World Values Survey, Switzerland and Finland are closest in the world in terms of values and culture. Perhaps we [...]

2021-12-09T09:57:51+01:00December 9th, 2021|english|0 Comments

Interview with Mr. Tommi Mäkynen

Trade between Finland and Switzerland has developed positively during the last years. How do you see the development of our trade relations in the coming years? I am optimistic in general, the relations are good and there is a natural sympathy and trust between the countries. Further, Team Finland is better resourced, more active [...]

2021-07-09T09:16:55+02:00July 9th, 2021|english|0 Comments
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