For more than 100 years, business people have been emigrating from Switzerland to Finland to try their luck as entrepreneurs. In Finland, family names like Fazer, Huber and Berner remain synonymous with big success stories. Throughout that time, business relationships have been steadily expanding.

In the early 1970s, a delegation of Swiss businesspeople paid a visit to Finland. Inspired by a trip to a genuine Finnish sauna, the group decided to establish a chamber of commerce, which duly opened in 1973. Today our members include Swiss and Finnish companies, businesspeople and private individuals representing a wide range of economic and social fields.

Our office is located close to the Zurich Enge station. Since 2017, we have also had a contact site in central Helsinki.


Anu-Maaria Calamnius-Puhakka

Managing director

Yrjö Närhinen

Chairman, Advisor, Investor


Philipp Jordi

Advisor for commercial and economic affairs

Vice Chairman

Caroline MacNicholas-Nekukar

Attorney at Law

Legal issues

Eija Tuulensuu

Marketing and Communication Executive


Marco Ahtinen

Dipl. Chem. Ing. ETH (MSc.) / Exec. MBA

Special projects

Franco Romano

Lic. phil. I, Historiker

Member services

Dr. Jani Kaarlejärvi

Co-Founder & Executive Vice President

Contact point Helsinki

Gerrit van Setten

Attorney at Law

Contact point Helsinki


Team Finland -päivä 2024: ”Mission Possible”

Tämänvuotinen Team Finland-päivä pidettiin elokuussa Triplassa Helsingissä. Tapahtuman dynaaminen teema oli ”Mission Possible”, ja se tarjosi kutsutuille yrityksille arvokkaan foorumin hakea asiantuntijoiden neuvoja viennistä, kansainvälisestä kaupasta ja rahoituksesta. Kauppakamari [...]

We are so close to each other!

The closer the cultures are, the greater the mutual understanding. And similar values form a basis of trust and promote exchange. There is a lot to be said for [...]