Switzerland – just right for Finnish companies

For companies that want to expand from the Finnish market, the question is often how and where? The World Values Survey shows that the Swiss market is just right for Finnish companies. For one thing, the two countries share almost identical values and cultures and high standards of quality, technology and design. This makes [...]

2021-12-09T09:44:07+01:00Dezember 9th, 2021|english|0 Kommentare

We are so close to each other!

The closer the cultures are, the greater the mutual understanding. And similar values form a basis of trust and promote exchange. There is a lot to be said for Finnish-Swiss relations! Because according to the World Values Survey, Switzerland and Finland are closest in the world in terms of values and culture. Perhaps we [...]

2021-12-09T09:40:56+01:00Dezember 9th, 2021|english|0 Kommentare
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