Interview with Mr. Tommi Mäkynen, Honorary Consul for Finland in Zurich

Trade between Finland and Switzerland has developed positively during the last years. How do you see the development of our trade relations in the coming years? I am optimistic in general, the relations are good and there is a natural sympathy and trust between the countries. Further, Team Finland is better resourced, more active [...]

2021-04-07T11:31:22+02:00April 2nd, 2021|Acquisitions, Financial, Taxes|0 Kommentare

TPK: Sveitsin uusi suurlähettiläs Anja Zobrist Rentenaar luovutti valtuuskirjeensä Tasavallan presidentille

Tasavallan presidentti Sauli Niinistö vastaanotti valtuuskirjeitä uusilta suurlähettiläiltä 6. elokuuta 2020. Sveitsin valaliiton uusi suurlähettiläs Helsingissä on Anja Zobrist Rentenaar:

2021-04-07T11:37:26+02:00Juli 2nd, 2020|Acquisitions, Financial, International|0 Kommentare
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